Η Παπαντούλα της Βλασσαρούς, Τελετή Αποϊεροποίησης
Papandoula Vlassarou, Deconsecration Ceremony

Papandoula Vlassarou, Deconsecration Ceremony, Watercolour on handmade paper, 40×57cm, 2023
Ανεβαίνοντας στην Ακρόπολη από την οδό Βουλευτηρίου, στο
Βαλεριάνειο τείχος κοντά, βρισκόταν η
βυζαντινή εκκλησία της Υπαπαντής (9ος αι.). Στη διάρκεια των αιώνων υπέστη
ανεπανόρθωτες ζημιές. Είχε απομείνει μόνο η ανατολική πλευρά με τις τρεις
αψίδες. Η εκκλησία δεν κατεδαφίσθηκε πριν γίνει από τον ιερέα η ανάλογη τελετή
αποϊεροποίησης (23 Φεβρουαρίου 1938) και να μεταφερθούν οι εικόνες και το
τέμπλο της σε άλλη εκκλησία.
On the way up to the Acropolis from Vouleftirio Street, close by the ancient Valerian wall, was the Byzantine church of Ypapanti (9th century). Over the centuries it suffered irreparable damage. By the 20th century only the east end of the church with its apse and three arches was still standing. Before it was finally demolished, a priest conducted a deconsecration ceremony (23 February 1938), and the icons and iconostasis were transferred to another church.
On the way up to the Acropolis from Vouleftirio Street, close by the ancient Valerian wall, was the Byzantine church of Ypapanti (9th century). Over the centuries it suffered irreparable damage. By the 20th century only the east end of the church with its apse and three arches was still standing. Before it was finally demolished, a priest conducted a deconsecration ceremony (23 February 1938), and the icons and iconostasis were transferred to another church.