Bazaar Gate

Παζαρόπορτα, Υδατογραφία σε χειροποίητο χαρτί, 38Χ51,50 εκ., 2022
Bazaar Gate, Watercolour on handmade paper, 38×51.5 cm, 2022
Πύλη της Αθηνάς Αρχηγέτιδος. Αριστερά διακρίνονται προσφυγικά
παραπήγματα και στο βάθος, εκατέρωθεν της οδού Ποικίλης, διώροφα νεοκλασικά
σπίτια, τα οποία κατεδαφίστηκαν στην δεύτερη φάση των ανασκαφών, μετά το 1951.
Στην περιοχή υπήρχε άφθονο νερό (πηγές, κρήνες, πηγάδια) και ο ελεύθερος χώρος
γύρω από το μνημείο ήταν ιδανικός για μπουγάδα και άπλωμα των ρούχων.
The Gate of Athena Archegetis, popularly known as the “Bazaar Gate.” On the left, we can see humble refugee homes, and in the background, on either side of Poikilis Street, two-story neoclassical houses, which were demolished some time after 1951, in the second phase of excavations. In the area there was an abundant supply of water (springs, fountains, wells) and the open space around the monument was ideal for hanging clothes out to dry.
The Gate of Athena Archegetis, popularly known as the “Bazaar Gate.” On the left, we can see humble refugee homes, and in the background, on either side of Poikilis Street, two-story neoclassical houses, which were demolished some time after 1951, in the second phase of excavations. In the area there was an abundant supply of water (springs, fountains, wells) and the open space around the monument was ideal for hanging clothes out to dry.